Monday, January 24, 2011

You should have learnt this in high school!

Maybe this is just me, but I have to do all the sort of important stuff in my family, such as making phone calls to Optus, filling out forms and all that. That's all very fine, I guess, since I probably know the most english in my entire family.

But once in a while, my parents tell me to do something harder, such as writing a resume. Yes, I know the e has the apostrophe thing, I just don't know how to do it :(. Anyway, that is REALLY hard, since I've never made a resume before. It kinda pisses me off when they say,

"You're in Year 10 (Year 11 soon!), you should have already learnt how to do this. We ask you to do something simple and you won't even do it?"

Has anyone ever learnt how to write a resume during school? I've learnt essays, short stories, reports and descriptions and all the others, but I don't remember EVER learning how to write a resume. Which I think is a serious flaw in my education, since almost everyone will need to write a resume somewhere in the future when they apply for a job.

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